We love birthdays, and can honestly say that our mobile fun casino has brought a thrilling and exciting time to every major milestone birthday that you care to mention. 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th …you get the idea! And not forgetting all those intergenerational celebrations too.

But we think we may have hit on an overlooked one that we’re hoping will set a trend. After this year, new causes for celebration are much needed! It was the fact that we have some interesting numerical combinations coming up in our own family, that got us thinking. For example, this past month alone, we had a 7th, 37th and 87th! Once you start crunching those numbers there is a world of possibilities. So step forward if you have a 22nd, 33rd, 44th, 55th or even a 66th on the horizon. With the new retirement age being 66, that’s a double cause for celebration. And then of course, factor in the astounding numerical fact that if you add up all the numbers on a Roulette wheel you get..666. Perfect for a Halloween birthday!

So do the maths, and see what unique combination of causes to celebrate you have, and we’ll be there to spin that Roulette wheel and deal those cards out.

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