A brilliant bank holiday weekend of weddings and perfect weather, made doubly special as both come with lovely stories attached.
Hannah and Aaron’s wedding was held on Friday in the idyllic grounds of Cain Manor, Headley Down.
They had seen us at Andy and Alice Holt’s wedding some years previously, and decided there and then, that they HAD to have our fun casino entertainment when the time came to plan their own wedding. As always, the Roulette and Blackjack tables saw nonstop action from 8pm to 11pm!
Those local to Farnham will be familiar with Alice Holt Forest, and yes indeed Andy and Alice’s wedding was held on the Holt family farm. So there is now another Alice Holt! And so lovely to see them again at Hannah and Aaron’s wedding.
Many thanks to Johnny and the team at Cain Manor for their kind assistance.
And that second wedding? Again, a previous client in the shape of Priors Field School, Godalming.
Saturday was another perfect summer’s day, and this time it was Emma and Gareth’s turn. Emma teaches at the school, and we have entertained at quite a few end of year teachers’ bashes, so they knew, first hand, what a hit the fun casino entertainment always is, so much so, that they had 1 Roulette and 2 Blackjack tables…all buzzing from 3pm to 6pm.
It was lovely to be entertaining under a gazebo in the school’s beautiful grounds.